The Market!

Should I put myself back on the market…? Your first attraction is based on what you physically like about a person. (This I mean if you don’t know them) Oh… it’s this next step really annoys me, that getting to know step of hell. I wish we could omit this part by some type of application that links us together in the internet world, however; this is not possible. Due to the fact I have to come up with it yet! Truth: I don’t want to to go through the awkward moments of whether or not you like to go to the beach or what kind of food you eat, I’m ready to be fully aware of likes and dislikes, skip all of this. wishing I could skip all of this pre-relationship bullcrap. Getting right to honey can you pass the remote, you’ll pick up me something from the store on your way home. The comfortableness of a real relationship… Some women have these ridiculous lists of things they require from men, but all of them are kinda of robotic they forget about the man who will rub your back when it’s hurting, love them when they have gained weight far beyond the measure that most men would even allow. A man that would take in your family after they’ve lost everything. The childish masquerades of texting then not are what life has given us due to overly fake behaviour! I think that women focus on the wrong things more often than not. This stupid childish behaviour seems to have altered the way men respond to women altogether. So I just don’t know if putting yourself on the market a good thing or should you just lay low?


All though I must admit I’m kind of #dope

Author: monroecarter

It’s hard to explain who I am it changes everyday. I hope you stay tune to read more about me as I go a long my journey. Hopefully my story can explain and show you who Monroe Carter really is. Who is Monroe Carter?

12 thoughts on “The Market!”

    1. This is true, it’s the projection of what they are, the Q&A survey I have to no interest in. Do more learning the person as you go along.

      Example: “what do you do for fun?” he asked
      “reading, walking the beach, movies, and art,” she answered

      True answer: ” well id like to go out more, but I work a lot. I like the beach although it’s been over two years since I’ve seen the sunset.
      Most people give you what they would like to be rather than who they are.


      1. Yeah, that’s true… but during this phase you would learn something’s about the person that will give you an idea of who they are…sometimes along the line you can tell if the person is a liar. So many conversations revolve around likes and dislikes… the conversation leads to ones past as well. Imagine you meet some lone who says he like dancing a lot and that’s why he clubs 3 times a week, and clubbing has ruined all his previous relationships because along the line the other parties involved couldn’t cope with some who club almost everyday just because he likes dancing. In such conversation, you’d have a clue of what to expect or experience with the person.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I like dating but I like real conversations about things outside of what you like. I believe you can get to know one other without Q&A, talking about views on God, everyday life, food, culture, music, and along with many other things! I personally don’t like Q&A


      3. Absolutely I support that… but the issue is fear… as people don’t know what topic you’ll be interested in talking about. Some people don’t like topics that has to do with God at all. For example if I ask you your hobby, and you say movies, then I’ll pick from there we can talk about different genre of movies and actors and music. 😊

        Liked by 1 person

  1. I don’t like Q&A I prefer conversation! Real over fake that’s kinda it for me… I don’t like the cut a dry of the Q&A if you talk to people who to have a personality you can find common ground. I prefer voice calls over text. This way you can feel the vibration of their voice when they talk, the passion they have for the subject. You find your way with people I believe! You never judge a book by its cover, remember the cover is just that (A COVER) it takes time to get into the chapters revealing your truth. I want something real that’s all.


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